1985 Nueces County
  • Land
  • Land Management
  • gis
  • aerials

Aerial Imagery & 3D Elevation (LiDAR) Catalog

To request the high-resolution imagery, please send the flight date/name, and the list of your requested tiles, to the General Land Office Geospatial Team at Geospatial@glo.texas.gov or 512-463-4352.

The Texas General Land Office makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information depicted on these images, or the data from which they were produced. These images ARE NOT suitable for navigational purposes and do not purport to depict or establish boundaries between private and public land.
Photo credit: Texas General Land Office.

Click on a frame number to view an aerial photo
Central Nueces County Frame 797 Frame 795 Frame 793 Frame 791 Frame 789 Frame 787 Frame 785 Frame 731 Frame 733 Frame 735 Frame 737 Frame 739 Frame 741 Frame 743 Frame 745 Frame 717 Frame 715 Frame 713 Frame 711 Frame 709 Frame 707 Frame 705 Frame 651 Frame 653 Frame 655 Frame 657 Frame 659 Frame 623 Frame 625 Frame 635 Frame 633 Frame 631 Frame 629 Frame 627 Frame 567 Frame 569 Frame 571 Frame 577 Frame 575 Frame 573 Frame 547 Frame 545 Frame 543 Frame 541 Frame 539 Frame 537 Frame 493 Frame 491 Frame 489 Frame 487 Frame 485 Frame 483 Frame 451 Frame 449 Frame 448 Frame 445 Frame 453 Frame 455 Frame 387 Frame 389 Frame 391 Frame 393 Frame 395 Frame 397 Frame 399 Frame 357 Frame 355 Frame 353 Frame 351 Frame 345 Frame 347 Frame 349

Scanned and georeferenced black and white 9"x9" prints
Nueces County
Texas Natural Resource Information System (TNRIS)