1985 Nueces County
  • Land
  • Land Management
  • gis
  • aerials

Aerial Imagery & 3D Elevation (LiDAR) Catalog

To request the high-resolution imagery, please send the flight date/name, and the list of your requested tiles, to the General Land Office Geospatial Team at Geospatial@glo.texas.gov or 512-463-4352.

The Texas General Land Office makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information depicted on these images, or the data from which they were produced. These images ARE NOT suitable for navigational purposes and do not purport to depict or establish boundaries between private and public land.
Photo credit: Texas General Land Office.

Click on a frame number to view an aerial photo
Western Nueces County Frame 775 Frame 777 Frame 779 Frame 781 Frame 783 Frame 785 Frame 745 Frame 747 Frame 749 Frame 751 Frame 753 Frame 755 Frame 695 Frame 673 Frame 697 Frame 699 Frame 701 Frame 703 Frame 705 Frame 663 Frame 665 Frame 667 Frame 669 Frame 583 Frame 671 Frame 609 Frame 611 Frame 613 Frame 615 Frame 617 Frame 619 Frame 621 Frame 579 Frame 581 Frame 585 Frame 587 Frame 589 Frame 591 Frame 593 Frame 523 Frame 525 Frame 527 Frame 529 Frame 531 Frame 533 Frame 535 Frame 493 Frame 495 Frame 497 Frame 499 Frame 501 Frame 503 Frame 505 Frame 433 Frame 446 Frame 443 Frame 441 Frame 439 Frame 437 Frame 435 Frame 411 Frame 401 Frame 403 Frame 405 Frame 407 Frame 409 Frame 333 Frame 335 Frame 337 Frame 339 Frame 341 Frame 343 Frame 317 Frame 319 Frame 243 Frame 241

Scanned and georeferenced black and white 9"x9" prints
Nueces County
Texas Natural Resource Information System (TNRIS)