February 7, 1998 Orange County
  • Land
  • Land Management
  • gis
  • aerials

Aerial Imagery & 3D Elevation (LiDAR) Catalog

To request the high-resolution imagery, please send the flight date/name, and the list of your requested tiles, to the General Land Office Geospatial Team at Geospatial@glo.texas.gov or 512-463-4352.

The Texas General Land Office makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information depicted on these images, or the data from which they were produced. These images ARE NOT suitable for navigational purposes and do not purport to depict or establish boundaries between private and public land.
Photo credit: Texas General Land Office.

Select an area to view
Region 22 Frame 31-28 Frame 31-27 Frame 30-26 Frame 30-27 Frame 30-28 Frame 30-29 Frame 30-30 Frame 29-30 Frame 29-29 Frame 29-28 Frame 29-27 Frame 29-26 Frame 28-26 Frame 28-27 Frame 28-28 Frame 28-29 Frame 28-30 Frame 27-30 Frame 27-29 Frame 27-28 Frame 27-27 Frame 27-26

georeferenced black & white images, Texas State Plane Central Zone, NAD 83, Feet
Orange County
1 foot pixels