Protecting the Coast

We keep our coasts pristine and support their economic health.

Our Plan for a Thriving Coast

The Texas coast is beautiful to behold. It’s also a big economic driver. We work hard to protect coastal habitats and communities. We also strengthen coastal infrastructure for all Texans.

Our focus areas include: 

Coastal Erosion

Eroding coast line with ocean on the left and eroding street on the right.
On average, the Texas coast erodes 4.1 feet per year. Some areas lose more than 30 feet per year. Erosion can damage communities and livelihoods. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says that for every dollar we spend on erosion mitigation, we save four dollars in the future.
When the Texas coast erodes: 
  • Coastal properties lose value and buildings are lost
  • Tourism declines and local economies suffer
  • Farming and fishing industries risk revenue loss
  • Ports, roads, and key infrastructure are at risk
  • Key storm surge buffers become weakened
We fight coastal erosion by:
  • Funding coastal erosion projects through the Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA) and other grant programs
  • Working with all coastal stakeholders to identify key areas for erosion projects and maximize federal, state, and local resources.

Learn more about our work in coastal erosion.


Coastal Resiliency Planning

Corpus Christi bay coastal habitat with barge in the distance.
Our Coastal Resiliency Master Plan outlines how we’ll help our coastal communities thrive. 
Project action areas include:
  • Coastal habitat management
  • Maintaining coastal economic growth
  • Gulf shoreline management
  • Adapting to changing conditions
  • Addressing under-represented needs
  • Watershed management
  • Improving community resilience
  • Enhancing emergency preparation and response
  • Bay shoreline management

Learn more about our work with coastal resiliency planning.


Project Funding

Down beach view of Dune Restoration with ocean on left and dunes and hotels on the right.
We award funds to projects that protect natural habitats and local economies. Funding that empowers Texas organizations to tackle biggest coastal challenges.
Our project funding includes:
  • Coastal Erosion Planning Response Act (CEPRA): Funds projects that address habitat restoration, coastal erosion, and beach stability.
  • Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA): Funds coastal protection, conservation, restoration, hurricane protection projects.
  • Coastal Management Program (CMP): Awards $2 million of federal coastal management funds every year from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Learn more about our project funding applications.


Federal Consistency

Commissioner Dawn Buckingham M.D. picking up trash in a Texas Adopt-A-Beach hat.

The federal Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program is a unique federal-state partnership that provides a basis for protecting, restoring, and responsibly developing the nation’s coastal communities and natural resources. 

Learn more about Federal consistency


Open Beaches


In Texas, public access to Gulf Coast beaches is not just the law, it is a constitutional right.

Walking along the beach in Texas has been a privilege since Texas was a Republic, and the Texas Land Commissioner protects this public right for all Texans by enforcing the Texas Open Beaches Act.

Learn more about Open Beaches


The Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Program

Man overlooking oil spill

The (NRDA) Program is the legal and applied science process designed to restore damaged areas and ensure that those responsible—and not taxpayers—pay for restoring the affected area or compensate for the loss of its public use.
Learn More about the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Program 

Wooden walkway through dunes leading to the beach.

Apply for a Coastal Funding Opportunity

If you’re a university, organization, or local government that wants funding for a coastal project or study, go to our grant application page. We have resources to help you navigate the process.


Coastal Protection Statistics


Funding disbursed through CMP, CEPRA, GOMESA, and other project funds


Projects funded by the CMP and CEPRA programs


Miles of nourished and protected coastline since 2020

Contact Us

If you have a question about the Coastal program, find the right contact in our GLO Agency Directory