  • Land
  • Land Management


The Texas Constitution of 1876 set aside half of Texas’ remaining public lands to establish a Permanent School Fund (PSF), to help finance public schools.

The GLO Manages 13 Million Acres Of State Land

The GLO Manages 13 Million Acres Of State Land

Legislators intended for this land to be sold and the proceeds be deposited into the PSF. Deposits to the PSF would be an inexhaustible source of revenue because only interest income from the fund could be spent and would be apportioned among the state's public schools.

The Texas General Land Office manages state lands and mineral rights totaling 13 million acres. This includes vast properties in West Texas, Gulf Coast beaches and bays and all “submerged” lands 10.35 miles out into the Gulf of Mexico, as well as a variety of state agency acreage and timberlands in East Texas.

A primary responsibility of the Land Office is to lease these lands for the benefit of the Permanent School Fund, an endowment fund established in 1876 for the benefit of Texas public school education.

Leasing Texas

Leases are available for a variety of purposes, including oil and gas production, solar, wind and geothermal power, agricultural related activities, and commercial development.

Surveying the Land

Since the beginning of the Land Office, surveying has been a vital part of what we do.  Accurately measuring over 200,000 miles of boundaries takes a lot of work.

Common Sense Conservation

The GLO is committed to conserving and protecting State natural resources by monitoring the use of leased PSF land and allowing only recognized prudent practices to occur on those lands.


State Real Property Inventory

Texas Natural Resources Code, Sec. 31.154 (Real Property Inventory), charges the Texas General Land Office (GLO) with keeping inventory records for all real property owned by the state.

To be included in the Texas State Real Property Inventory, a land must meet all the following requirements:

  • The land is Owned by the State of Texas
  • The land is utilized primarily by a state agency – not a Texas educational institute
  • The land is not designated as part of the Permanent School Fund investment portfolio
  • The land is not designated as part of the Permanent University Fund investment
  • The land is subject to Texas Natural Resource Code – 31.153-31.155

Each state agency is responsible for reporting all updates of their own Real Property to the Texas General Land Office every year.  This information is reported to the GLO via the SRPI reporting system, accessible through the link below (paper reports are no longer accepted).

If you have your user name and password, then click the "Proceed to SRPI Website" link and begin reporting.

If you need access to the application or if you have questions, please contact Asset Management at (512) 475-1427 or via email at propertyreports@glo.texas.gov.

Proceed to SRPI Website

Higher Education Reporting

State law requires that the General Land Office gather information from institutes of higher education concerning their land and facility holdings. This information is reported to the GLO via the Higher Education (HigherEd) reporting system, accessible through the link below.

Texas Natural Resource Code, Chapter 31, Subchapter E [Senate Bill 1264, 74th Texas Legislature, 1995] charges the General Land Office with gathering data related to four-year publicly-funded Texas universities lands and facilities in order to make recommendations related to underutilized properties. Every institution is required to keep an inventory of their real property.

To be included in the Higher Ed application, a land must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Owned by a publicly funded four-year Texas university
  • Utilized primarily by a four-year publicly funded Texas universities, not state agency
  • Not designated as part of the Permanent School Fund (PSF) investment portfolio
  • Not designated as part of the Permanent University Fund investment
  • Subject to Texas Natural Resource Code – 31.153-31.155

If you have your user name and password, then click the "Proceed to HigherEd Website" link and begin reporting.

If you need access to the application or if you have questions, please contact Asset Management at (512) 475-1427 or via email at propertyreports@glo.texas.gov.

Proceed to HigherEd Website