Post-nourishment beach benthic invertebrate monitoring
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Project to conduct post-nourishment benthic sampling for at least 18 months following nourishment at Jamaica and Sargent beaches (and their respective control beaches).
Magnolia and Indianola Beach Pavilions
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Calhoun County
Calhoun County
Calhoun County will construct two pavilions for public use in the Miller Point area with the goal of encouraging ecotourism and outdoor education. Use of the pavilions will be free of charge. A 100'x50' general-use pavilion will be built at least 300’ from the water and a 25’ hexagonal pavilion will be constructed near Indianola beach.
Region 4 and Lower Coast Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Geophysical Surveys
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
General Land Office
The project will conduct high-resolution geophysical surveys offshore Texas Coastal Resiliency Master Plan (TCRMP) Region 4.
Packery Flats Habitat and Public Access Enhancements
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program
Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program
This project will provide enhanced access to coastal areas along with adding features that will protect the sensitive habitat areas found within the Packery Flats Coastal Habitat.
Galveston Island West End Beach Nourishment
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
City of Galveston
The addition of sand for this shoreline is a crucial component of stabilizing or at a minimum slowing the erosion rates in the area.
Integrative Assessment of Bacterial Pollution -Phase II
Coast Wide
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service
A long-term analysis of Texas Beach Watch (TBW) bacterial data by Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) revealed that 25 Texas beaches are hotspots of bacterial pollution.
Integrative Assessment of Bacterial Pollution - Phase 1
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
General Land Office
A long-term analysis of Texas Beach Watch bacterial data by Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) revealed that 25 Texas beaches are hotspots of bacterial pollution. Results also revealed that bacterial pollution is increasing with time, population growth, and sea level rise.
Hydroclimatic Modulations of Bacteria/Nutrient Input to Texas Coastal Water
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
This Project will identify processes leading to contamination of coastal waters.
West Galveston Emergency Project Study
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
General Land Office
The study area will be focused on up to approximately one mile of Gulf shoreline of Galveston Island in the vicinity of the Riviera and West Beach Grand Condominiums.
Old Queen Isabella Causeway Demolition and Engineered Reef Design
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
The remaining western portion of the original Causeway will be demolished and salvageable material will be uses to build an artificial reef.
Beneficial Dredge Use Master Plan - Phase 2 GLO Regions 3 and 4
Lower Coast
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Ducks Unlimited
The goal of this project is to provide up to 90% project design, including geotechnical analysis, magnetometer surveys, and revisions to engineering and permit packages on up to five high priority Beneficial Use project sites.
Hydroclimatic Modulations of Bacteria/Nutrient Input to Texas Coastal Water
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi will evaluate the vulnerability of on-site sewage facilities (OSSFs, i.e., septic systems) to tidal fluctuations, hydrologic conditions, and other factors that link bacteria and nitrogen inputs to nearshore waters using groundwater-seawater interaction analyses and source tracking.
Improvements to the Wastewater Treatment of Nueces County
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Nueces River Authority
The Nueces River Authority will install equipment to replace obsolete, non-functioning equipment of the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the northwest quadrant of Nueces County.
Bob Hall Pier Parking Project
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Nueces County
Nueces County will replace the Bob Hall Pier parking lot, which was permanently damaged by Hurricane Hanna in July 2020.
Study and Expansion of Oyster Shell Recycling & Reef Restoration
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Galveston Bay Foundation
Galveston Bay Foundation
Galveston Bay Foundation (GBF) will continue to expand the Oyster Shell Recycling Program and partner with University of Houston to analyze two reef restoration techniques.
South Padre Island Beach Access #16 Neptune Circle Improvements
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
City of South Padre Island
City of South Padre Island
The City of South Padre Island will construct a permanent restroom and install an Americans with Disability Act compliant ramp for the ingress and egress of the walkover.
Smart and Self-Sustaining Early Warning Systems for Coastal Flooding
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
University of Texas at San Antonio
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
University of Texas at San Antonio will develop smart and self-sustaining early-warning systems for coastal flooding with state-of-the-art low-power Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) and energy harvesting solutions.
Olivia Haterius Park Infrastructure
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Calhoun County
Calhoun County
Calhoun County will construct additional park amenities at Olivia Haterius Park.
Monitoring and Analysis of Sediment and Nutrients and their associated pollutants
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Texas A&M University - Kingsville will monitor sediment and nutrients loads into the Nueces/Corpus Christi Bay and address identified pollutant data gaps.
Impacts of Major Storms on Coastal Erosion in the Texas Gulf Coast
Coast Wide
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
University of Houston
University of Houston
The University of Houston will measure the impacts of major storms on coastal erosion in the Texas Gulf Coast.