Cameron County Beach Access #3 Accessibility Infrastructure
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Cameron County
Cameron County complete Phase 2 of the project which will include the construction of (1) an American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant dune walkover that would allow proper access from the parking lot to the beach, (2) an ADA-compliant sidewalk, and (3) a parking lot with permeable paving system.
Preserve and Enhance the Resilience of Bayside Wetlands on Mustang Island
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program
This Project will implement will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the geological, geomorphic, and anthropogenic features or processes potentially preventing adequate sediment stabilization on the island.
Aransas Bay Bird Nesting Island Restoration & Protection Phase 2
Coast Wide
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program (CBBEP)
Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program (CBBEP)
Laguna Madre Rookery Island Restoration Project Phase I
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
Willacy County Navigation District
Willacy County Navigation District
This project aims to develop a sediment management plan for dredge material coming from the Mansfield Ship Channel (Laguna Madre side).
Copano Cove Ranch Acquisition
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Aransas County
The acquisition of property by Aransas County will prevent development of an area at risk for coastal flooding, proactively address stormwater and nonpoint source pollution concerns as part of the county’s Floodplain Management & Watershed Protection program, preserve habitat, and provide public access.
Port Aransas Nature Preserve Restoration
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
City of Port Aransas
This project aims to restore approximately 30 acres of marsh and shallow water habitat impacted by both the initial creation of the scour channel by Harvey and subsequent erosion caused by the breach while open to the Corpus ship channel.
Padre Island National Seashore Beach Nourishment
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
Willacy County Navigation District
Willacy County Navigation District
This project will distribute dredge material over a longer section of beach with a gradual slope to the waterline to reduce the potential for scarping. The design template will be developed based on guidelines and best practices for sea turtle nesting friendly beaches and will be approved by sea turtle experts at the National Park Service.
O’Quinn I-45 Estuary Shoreline Protection and Marsh Restoration
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
Scenic Galveston
Scenic Galveston, Inc.
The goal of this project is to restore habitat function to this portion of the preserve and to stabilize the entire shoreline to prevent future loss along Jones Bay, likely utilizing a combination of permanent hard structure breakwaters designed to collect sediment and sacrificial containment berms to protect the new marsh until establishment.
South Padre Island Dune Restoration
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
City of South Padre
City of South Padre
This project will be dedicated to restoring two miles of linear beach.
Port Lavaca Harbor of Refuge Phase 1
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
City of Port Lavaca
City of Port Lavaca
Port Lavaca Harbor of Refuge Shoreline and Marsh Restoration/Protection Feasibility Study.
Adolph Thomae, Jr. County Park Interpretive Signage
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Cameron County
Cameron county will use CMP funds to install interpretive signage to guide visitors around the park.
Living Shorelines Program Website Maintenance
Coast Wide
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Texas State University
Under the direction provided by GLO, TXST will support the GLO in ongoing maintenance of the website throughout the duration of this Contract. Additionally, TXST will create new pages to allow for additional content to be added to the website, as needed.
Assessment of Reservoir-Impounded Sediment as a Sediment Source for Coastal Resiliency Projects
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Texas General Land Office
Anchor QEA will use Coastal Management Program Cycle 27 §309 funding to assess the potential of reservoir-impounded sediment for coastal resiliency projects.
2023 Texas Coastal Resiliency Master Plan and implementation of 2019 Plan
Coast Wide
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Surface Damage Account
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Texas General Land Office
In support of the Texas General Land Office’s legislative authorization to restore, enhance and protect the state’s coastal natural resources, the Texas Coastal Resiliency Master Plan (Plan) will provide a framework for community, socio-economic, ecologic and infrastructure protection from coastal hazards, including short-term direct impact (e.g., flooding, storm surge) and long-term gradual impacts (e.g., erosion, habitat loss).
2024 Airborne Lidar Survey and Change Update, Texas Gulf Shoreline
Coast Wide
Surface Damage Funds
University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
Researchers at the Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (Bureau), will update shoreline change rates and determine beach and dune volume and elevation relationships along the Texas Gulf of Mexico shoreline between the mouth of the Rio Grande and Sabine Pass.
Pre-nourishment beach benthic invertebrate monitoring – South Padre Island
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
TAMUCC will conduct pre-nourishment benthic sampling for 10+ months following nourishment at the City of South Padre Island beach (and the respective control beaches). These data as well as post-nourishment data collected in a future contract will be used to assess time for the benthic invertebrate community to recover following a beach nourishment event.
Follets Island habitat conservation through land acquisition
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Acquisition of tracts on Follets Island, approximately 500 acres of coastal habitat located on Follets Island, Texas.
Hurricane Harvey FEMA Repairs Setting a Precedent at Babe’s Beach
Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
City of Galveston Park Board of Trustees
The purpose of the project is to implement FEMA repairs to restore the damages caused by Hurricane Harvey in 2017 to restore 101,387 yds of beach quality sand.
Texas High School Coastal Monitoring Program
Coast Wide
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
The Texas High School Coastal Monitoring Program (THSCMP) engages students and teachers who live along the coast in the study of their natural environment.
Boggy Bayou Nature Park Improvements - Phase II
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Calhoun County
Calhoun County
Phase II funds will be used to add bollards around the park to prevent future habitat destruction and install a roof over a portion of the boardwalk.